About Us
CTCELLS is a cutting-edge cancer diagnostics and drug development company, founded on the premise that effective cancer treatment requires tailored solutions for each individual.
Leveraging Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) liquid biopsy technology, CTCELLS leads the industry with its unique automation capabilities, enabling the isolation of all types of circulating tumor cells.
With a strong focus on developing innovative cancer treatments, CTCELLS is dedicated to improving patient outcomes by matching cancer characteristics with the most suitable therapies, setting its sights on bringing hope to patients facing challenging cancer types. Join us in our mission to transform the landscape of cancer treatment.
Our Mission
Complete Cure of Cancer
Our Vision
Total Solution Provider
Our Values
Converging Precise Diagnostics To Personalized Therapeutics
TRACE: True Real-time Answer with CTC Evaluation
PATRIOT: Precisely, Attack the Tumor Regions with Immune Technology Of Tomorrow
Meet the Team
Minseok Kim Ph.D
Jungmin Lee Ph.D
Hyun Young Shin